The learning experience

In the course of this year we’ve managed to learn new stuff technical wise (which our tech blog is the place to keep you posted), but also when it comes …

Interview with atroo

We answered some questions from the Interview content: Why did we start our own company, whats our current travel destination and how do we cope with every days business …


Everyone has dreams and wishes he or she is passionate about. There are several places to go, things to do, cultures to explore and life styles to experience. The atroonauts …

Quarterly Report ☑

Way back, when we started selling our stuff and moved some important documents into packing cases, once in a while a few questions came to our minds. The questions if …

Company car

4 Taschen, 3 Laptos, 2 Sitzreihen und 1 Auto. So können wir bilanzieren, wann immer wir den Standort wechseln. Und dazu kommt es gerade wieder. Nizza war eine tolle Lokalität …

My day (Robert)

For quite some time, I’ve been dreaming to live at a place where one could easily go skiing and take a swim in the ocean on one day – while …

atroo + 1

By the start of this month atroo has grown! We employed Elisa, a psychologist. She is going to help us to understand the processes of human cognition a little more …

E01S01 atroo sport

After noticing that a little workout around noon boosts our focus for work we decided to keep it going when arriving in Nizza. The hillside situation of our new residence …

Bienvenue à Nice

In contrary to the existence of the eternal city Rome our stay didn’t last eternally and so we continued to travel westwards along the coast of the mediterranean sea. Jump …

A day out

On the contrary to Germany free wifi is more than comman in Italy. So we took the chance and spend a working day in a café right in Rome at …