A normal day on the cattle

Attribution: https://memesuper.com Howdy! This is how one is greeted, when opening the Rancher Management UI. Usually feeling very comfortable when using this awesome tool, we were having a problem with …

Our latest Findings

We started this blog to give you insights to our brain and hard disks. We wanted to discuss trending topics and provide solutions and ideas on challenging projects and tasks …

GetUserMedia – The Pain of Testing?

Don’t get us wrong. Testing is a crucial part in the software development process. That doesn’t mean to hire 100 students to do some monkey testing, but to have a …

Distributed file storage with Seaweed-FS

For one of our current projects we need to store a huge load of files and make them accessible easily. Access control is done in the application layer, so there …

socket.io + hapi.js

You might already came across a new amazing web technology called web sockets, which enables the server to push data in an event-driven manner to many web clients. 5 minutes …

atroo is ELK’ing

TLDR; To setup a Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana Environment you can use our Docker-File and to log to it from an HapiJS apllication utilize the Logstash-Good-Reporter . No, we don’t …

atroo Infrastructure

As we mentioned in our portfolio we want to be flexible on how we solve occuring business problems which implies using the right tool for the right job, but when …